You & Your Purpose

Purpose is very important to every one of us, and to find it is to find an essence for life. In simple terms, purpose is the reason for which something is made or created. Just as a chair is made for sitting, a clock is made to tell the time, we are all created for a reason too and the onus is on you to know what your purpose is, this will lead to a more fulfilled life.

Personal Productivity

Personal productivity is relative; depending on the aims of the individual, it may signify different things to different people. Some people would define productivity as working more quickly and completing lengthy tasks in less time; others may define it as focusing more intently and producing higher-quality work; whilst another school of thought defines it as becoming more organized and making the most of each day. Personal productivity is a skill with multiple avenues that all lead to the same end, which is producing better results.

Getting out of your Comfort Zone

To most people, a comfort zone is a place where they feel at ease psychologically because they are not being tested. Inside the comfort zone, people do not typically engage in new experiences or take on any challenges. They only participate in activities that are familiar, making them feel in control of their environment. Most people want to progress out of the zone but are held back by fear, they ask themselves questions like, “what if I fail and lose everything?” So, they remain in the same spot, stuck as prisoners of their own fears.

Goal Setting

I am not a new year’s resolution kind of person. I do not also buy the idea of a new year new me, however, one thing I have consistently done around each new year for as long as I can remember is set goals. This process has become a habit…

Time Management

Hello there! Happy New Month! Can you believe it’s February already? 2022 seems to be on the run. We spent some time in January talking about goals, goal setting, as well as tracking and achieving your goals. By now, your 2022 goals should be ready and waiting to be achieved.…