At some point in our lives, we have all wondered if we are doing what we are meant to. We have all wondered what our calling is, what we were made for. What our purpose for being born is. For some of us, there is always this lingering feeling that we are supposed to be doing more, to be more! Yes! We are all capable of so much but without answering the question of purpose we may never truly scratch the surface of our greatest potential. Purpose is very important to every one of us, and to find it is to find an essence for life. In simple terms, purpose is the reason for which something is made or created. Just as a chair is made for sitting, a clock is made to tell the time, we are all created for a reason too and the onus is on you to know what your purpose is, this will lead to a more fulfilled life. “When the purpose of a thing is unknown abuse is inevitable.” To live and live well, one has to discover purpose.

Knowing your Purpose

You may have tried a lot of different careers and endeavours in the past hoping to find purpose but ended up feeling unaccomplished and dissatisfied instead. That is because finding purpose is an inside job, to find purpose, you must discover self-first. The process of knowing your purpose begins with self-discovery. What are your motivations? What drives you? When are you at your happiest?  What matters to you? Your purpose may just be staring right at you. There is not a one size fits all approach to finding your purpose, but here are some steps that will guide you to it:

  • Determine the purpose of humanity

I believe we are all on earth for a purpose, get familiar with the reason for human existence and then figure out how to contribute to it in your best capacity. Your purpose should be a subset of the purpose of human creation.

  • What are your motivations?

Discovering what motivates you is very important. What you are happy doing, what makes you feel responsible may possibly be a purpose you are made to fulfill. You are meant to enjoy what you do.

  • Read!

They say “to be informed is to be empowered,” reading is another step to take in discovering purpose. People who read tend to have a stronger sense of purpose. The type of books you like to read can also provide insight as to what your purpose is.

  • What inspires you?

The people and things that inspire you have a bearing on your purpose in life. You may not necessarily have the same purpose as the people and things that inspire you, but it shows that your interests are similar to theirs and purpose can be discovered that way.

  • Locate a problem you care about and start solving it

You are not going to fix the world’s problems by yourself. But you can contribute and make a difference. That feeling of making a difference is ultimately what is most important for your own happiness and fulfillment.

Remember that finding purpose is an inside job and you need to be intentional and deliberate about it. Some practical efforts that you can start making include:

  • Writing a personal mission statement.
  • Being focused and never comparing yourself with others
  • Avoiding activities that do not serve you.
  • Being accountable to a Mentor.
  • Joining a community of people with similar interests.

In conclusion, purpose sometimes is progressive, your purpose may change gradually as you go on in life, purpose can be dynamic. You may need transitioning or coaching at some point, and that is where we come in at UThriveByAMEO, we can help put you on a path to discovering your purpose through our community, mentorship and coaching programs. Get in touch with us via email or reach out to us on LinkedInInstagramFacebook or Twitter

I look forward to hearing from you, until then;

Keep thriving!

Coach E

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