Welcome to your year of growth

To most people, a comfort zone is a place where they feel at ease psychologically because they are not being tested. Inside the comfort zone, people do not typically engage in new experiences or take on any challenges. They only participate in activities that are familiar, making them feel in control of their environment. Most people want to progress out of the zone but are held back by fear, they ask themselves questions like, “what if I fail and lose everything?” So, they remain in the same spot, stuck as prisoners of their own fears.

Afraid of growth?

Take this scenario for example, Ade wants to apply for the manager role in his company and is duly qualified but is scared to apply. What if I have to do new things? Manage a larger portfolio and what if I fail? he questions himself. Ade is held bound by his fears and wants to stay with the familiar not wanting to upset the status quo. Hmmmm, what is going on with Ade? Ade is already missing his comfort zone where he does not have to worry about failing or taking on new challenges. With this comfort, his growth will never come.

Outside the comfort zone is the fear of doing something new and not being in control. However, the truth is, if you do not take up new adventures to overcome your fears you will never improve yourself. As said by Dr. Margie Warrell;

Growth and comfort can’t ride the same horse.”

She explains that we often forget about the risk of not taking risks. In other words, you risk missing out on the life you have the potential to live if you do not take the risk of striving for it.

The human mind is natively wired to fear the unknown, most of us are wired to fear what we don’t know. But that fear most times, is the difference between where you are now and what your greatest potential is. To reach the greatest heights in life and career, you would need to step out of your comfort zone.

As echoed by Ginni Rometty;

Growth and comfort do not coexist.”

To get ahead, you need to get comfortable with being uncomfortable. 2023 can be your year of growth, and that growth is only possible outside of your comfort zone. If you are looking to advance your personal and career development this year by stepping out of your comfort zone, here are 8 tips to help you do so;

  1. Pick a fear and confront it.

To leave your comfort zone, you must have courage. Moving on in spite of fear is what it means to be brave. Pick one fear that is preventing you and face it. You can begin with a simple task. For instance, if you’re usually afraid to speak up at work or contribute during meetings, stand up more in meetings at work, the more you face your fears, the tougher you become and your fears will fear you. Hmm that sounds great.

  1. Take gradual steps

Avoid attempting to step too far beyond your comfort zone too soon; you will probably feel overwhelmed and return to it. Make little moves towards your fear attempting to conquer it. If you want to be a public speaker, start by speaking to small groups of people whenever possible. When you’re in a seminar, ask questions, try to contribute your opinion, by so doing you will gradually get used to speaking publicly. There is no magic about it, you have to take gradual steps to overcome your fear and get yourself used to your passion and career.

  1. Broadening your professional skill set

Comfort zones may prevent you from developing professionally. For instance, becoming overly at ease in a position you have outgrown can prevent you from progressing in your profession. Learning new skills that provide you a competitive advantage and increase your employability is one approach to step outside of your comfort zone. Continually take advantage of learning and development opportunities that allow you to gain expertise in areas where your industry is in need.

  1. Explain how making a change will benefit you

Before you ever try to take steps outside your comfort zone, you have to pen down the benefits that you would get, these will be your motivation. What would your personal and professional development look like? When the benefits are known, you should ensure that you visit it daily, paste it on different surfaces in your room, your office, and every other place you have access to it. Seeing it gives you the strength daily to improve yourself, to do what it takes to be closer to your goals.

  1. Get a Coach/Mentor

This action cannot be substituted. If you want to get great at something, you need to start interacting with and modeling after the individuals who are already doing it. Their influence will eventually start to have an impact on your behavior. All of a sudden, you will start replacing excuses with opportunities, and that is because you are being conditioned to think that it is possible because you are surrounded by others that have walked that same path. Your mindset would be to succeed and to succeed alone. Do not be drawn back to pay for mentorships or coaching services because they will add more value to you.

  1. Check out Failure as a Teacher

If you are afraid of failure, you would run from it. You cannot progress when you run from failure rather learn from it. There is no how you will navigate life and all its adventures without meeting obstacles, but obstacles are there to make you stronger and more determined. You will definitely meet failure when trying to do what you have not done before, expect it and learn from it when it shows up.

  1. Take nothing too seriously

When you err, learn to laugh at yourself. Taking risks may result in failure and setbacks sometimes, which might make you appear silly to others. Take it in stride when people make fun of you and give yourself another chance to try again improving on your previous mistakes.

  1. Give yourself a deadline

Set time for your total transformation, in setting this deadline you have to give yourself enough space for the change. To check your success, it has to be time bound, this will help you to be at your best always. According to the Yerkes-Dodson Law;

An optimal level of pressure or anxiety increases performance”

but only up to a point. Too much pressure has the opposite effect. With a deadline, there is a little bit of pressure which will always keep you on your toes. Trust me by the end of the deadline you would be a better and stronger version of yourself.

Taking steps out

Actioning these steps above to get out of your comfort zone is the only way to make it work. Never allow procrastination rob you of your success as it hinders passion and desire. It tells you that “you can always do it later” but sincerely there is no better time to take action than now.
So what action will you be taking today to leave your comfort zone? What action is needed to get you to attain your greatest potential? UThrive can support you in many different ways, all you have to do is click this link to get started.

For any further enquiries you can send us an email or reach out to us on LinkedInInstagramFacebook or Twitter

I look forward to hearing from you, until then;

Keep thriving!

Coach Ekhoe

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